Sayama-tea/SINGLE ORIGIN TEA Branding Strategy Project

We started “Sayama-tea/SINGLE ORIGIN TEA Branding Strategy Project” in 2018.  Its goal is to establish a brand which allows us to taste single variety tea leaves developed especially in Saitama-prefecture.  It avoids blending other tea leaves.


The leading variety teas Sayamakaori, Okuharuka, Musashikaori, Fukumidori, and Yumewakaba are introduced in Sayama-tea/SINGLE ORIGIN TEA. All of them are cultivated mainly in Saitama-prefecture and each of the five kinds has its unique characteristics.


The expression SINGLE ORIGIN is already familiar in the world of wine, whisky, and coffee, but its sign is only appearing in the world of green tea. Please enjoy SINGLE ORIGIN TEA with your own eyes, nose and tongue and find your favorite variety.